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Annotated Bibliography

Bloomberg, Bloomberg News |. “The Great Firewall of China.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 5 Nov. 2018, www.washingtonpost.com/business/the-great-firewall-of-china/2018/11/05/5dc0f85a-e16d-11e8-ba30-a7ded04d8fac_story.html?utm_term=.68705a044178. . This article begins with stating most of the websites that westerner use in their everyday life but, people in China that are restricted in using. Bloomberg states that china has one of the strictest censorships in the world and have gotten even stricter in recent years. Many Chinese citizens are jailed for what seems like silly reasons like, posting a negative comment. The Chinese government has especially restricted foreign companies and websites. Bloomberg states that this censorship is preventing Chinese citizens from get vital global information. This article has given me a lot of useful information and evidence to use.

Kenyon, Miles, Senft, Adam, and Deibert, Ronald “Identities in the crosshairs—censoring LGBTQ internet content around the world” Open Global Rights 27, November 2018 https://www.openglobalrights.org/identities-in-the-crosshairs-censoring-LGBTQ-internet-content-around-the-world/This article states that if you lived in certain countries, LGBT terms like ‘gay or ‘lesbian’ are censored. These censorships are being blocked by a filtering technology made a Canadian company. It’s not a Canada filtering other countries, it’s other countries buying these technology to filter there citizen from ideas, that they feel that their citizens should not see. Some of these ideas being LGBT culture websites, HIV/AIDS organizations, and advocacy organizations.

 “Research Shows Violent Media Do Not Cause Violent Behavior.” Massachusetts General Hospital, 26 Dec. 2012, www.massgeneral.org/News/newsarticle.aspx?id=3929. This article speaks about how many people say that violent media leads to violent behavior, but research differs. They describe an experiment that was done to see if violent media cause violent behavior. They saw that even if a child had violent behavior after playing a violent video game it was merely correlation, so in other words it could be due to other reasons.

West, Darrell M. “Internet Shutdowns Cost Countries $2.4 Billion Last Year.” Brookings, Brookings, 15 Dec. 2016, www.brookings.edu/research/internet-shutdowns-cost-countries-2-4-billion-last-year/. This article talks about global cost it takes for internet shutdowns and censorship. West points out certain countries cost to have an internet shutdown. He also includes the amount internet interruption over the years and how the trend has been increasing. West includes the economic loss of internet shutdowns. This article gave me a lot of evidence to help back up my claims.

Denyer, Simon. “China’s Scary Lesson to the World: Censoring the Internet Works.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 23 May 2016, www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/chinas-scary-lesson-to-the-world-censoring-the-internet-works/2016/05/23/413afe78-fff3-11e5-8bb1-f124a43f84dc_story.html. In the beginning of this article, Denyer states that information cannot be held back forever, but China is doing everything in its power from letting that happen. As this time continues, China’s power in blocking censorship is getting stronger and they’re fixing the bugs and cracks. This is hurting companies because China is blocking their people from being able to access what thes companies are selling online. This means companies are losing over 1 billion customers.

Guriev, Sergei, and Daniel Treisman. “How Modern Dictators Survive: An Informational Theory of the New Authoritarianism.” 2015, doi:10.3386/w21136. This Journal talks about the use of information can keep dictators in power. The ‘information’ is mainly propaganda. The government censor’s worldwide information from their people and feed them information and lies that they want them to know. This leads to a mass of people lacking vital information, this propaganda puts the dictators in good light and keeps them in power, even if their reign in built on lies